Thursday, January 1, 2009

Over and over again

I thought the thing with surrender was that I would just do it, give it all over, and be done with it.

I'm finding out that it's not like that at all. I have to surrender it everyday. And sometimes I fear that it's not getting any easier.


Hallie said...

i don't think it ever gets easier. what i think though is that certain things get easier. there are certain things we struggle with...certain sins...and we will finally conquer thouse through jesus...only to find that another sin lies right behind that one...and another one behind that one...

and yes, it is surrender every day. the older i get the more i realize just how inadequate i am as a human being. how many mistakes i make every day. how i screw up again and again and misrepresent God to those people who are looking at me to figure out Him. but i wake up every morning and i try again.

i think, with God, effort must count :). especially since we aren't graded on results, anyway. we are graded on belief.

i love you.

brandyglows said...

Yes, yes, what Hallie said. Down to the letter.

And I love you, too.

Jess said...

you guys really ought to meet one of these days. you'd love each other. :)