Friday, October 9, 2009

wild, radical, scandalous

"Sin has made the basis of things wild and not rational." -Oswald Chambers

I can't help but think about the implications this has for our faith. It cannot be formulas and logic and reason. It must come from the heart, as wild and irrational as sin, the complete giving of yourself to Christ at the expense of everything.

I think I forget this from time to time -- which is to say, every 20 minutes or so. I forget that my faith cannot grow and I cannot be continually formed into a new creation if I am forever trying to "figure out" what God is doing.

There comes a point where I just need to let God do it. A point where I stop analyzing and thinking and considering options. A point where I release my grip on the things that are holding me back, even though I don't understand how that will work or what it will look like.

Another quotation comes to mind: "Faith seeks understanding." Meaning, of course, that faith should precede any attempts to "figure it out." Sometimes you have to take the plunge first and then figure out how it all managed to work out. Because if you never take the plunge in the first place, you drive yourself crazy with possibilities.

Not to mention the fact that you're still standing in the same place when you could be swimming in the cool, refreshing waters of the Father.


althrasher said...

Yes to every inch of this. But it's SO HARD to let go when we're trying to sort out where we're going next!!!

Still, this is exactly what I needed to read right now.

mella_meri_nard said...

i have deleted my facebook. i might check from time to time on my cats' facebooks (babyy and maggie peckham)
hope to see you on blogger, i will be updating this more often.