Sunday, November 2, 2008

Everything Changes

I received a word from God today. This doesn't happen often, in fact, it has never happened so directly as it did today. I think the friend I sat with at church probably thought me insane because there was nothing in the message that should have prompted me to burst into tears as I did. It is time, He said.

I knew immediately what this meant - how my life from that second on will be different and I must do the things I have been avoiding doing. I cried for the majority of the sermon, half-praying, half-meditating on the words I was given - it is time.

Here, in its entirety, is the message I received today.

Jessica Jean - dearest daughter, beautiful girl - it is time. The season for growing yourself is past - time now for giving more of yourself than you knew you had. Time now to plan and prepare for the life I called you to. Time to stop thinking and dreaming, and time to start doing. Stop ignoring the challenges I am calling you into and accept them. You have been so faithful to give me the big things, but it is time. Surrender all. Take up your cross.

Friends, I'm not sure what to do with this message, but I know: everything must change, and everything has changed.

Pray for me, please, my friends, as I wrestle with what these words mean. I am praying for you, too.



Hallie said...

It's strange, isn't it? When it's Except it's not. Not really. But surely it seems like you heard it. I don't think I can count but one or two times in my life I've heard Him that directly...and you know, it's just know. It's right to the core of your heart and all through every part of who you are.

However - as you put well yourself - sometimes hearing the message is a very different thing from discerning the message. I'll say an extra prayer for you tonight.

Do you know how proud you make me? I'm very serious. It really has been a privilige to be your friend over the last few years and watch the beautiful way that God has worked in your life and woven together the tapestry that is you. I'm really looking forward to church w/ you on the 22nd. I hope that we have a 3-some, hehe - but if it's just you and me, that's still great, all the same - I love that I can share this part of my life with you, now, and know that we are on the relatively same page. It brings my heart joy. And it's a relief - because sometimes when you're the only one - it's so...exhausting. Always fighting the battle, always trying to stay firm, regardless of how that makes people view you.

Keep fighting the good fight. Keep the faith. He will lead you. And He will be with you -until the very end of the age.

I love you, Princess.

brandyglows said...

This is so amazing and I am so excited for you. Yay God! He's going to do great things through you.